Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Eight Weeks In

Today marks eight weeks in on this journey and I’ve lost seven more pounds in the last two weeks. Non-scale victory for today - this morning I had an early appointment to get a passport (this has to do with a trip that I - and my family - for when I hit my goal weight). The appointment fell during my usual work out time and therefore it didn’t happen. It was a long day at work and when I got home, I didn’t want to do anything. However I got up and got my workout in and that is my non-scale victory. Choosing to make habits and creating disciplines will be what helps me get to my goal weight and help me keep the weight off. It’s a marathon, not a sprint over here.

34lbs down. 66 to go. 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Six Weeks In

It’s been a while and I’m not even sorry about it. After two weeks on Nutrisystem, I switched to HMR @ Home and I like it a lot more. The food tastes better, it’s more filling, and easier to prepare - which is great for work. After six weeks of Nutrisystem/HMR, I’m down 27lbs. I only lost two this week which was a bummer, but I’m having to remember that I lost 15 in two weeks…

On a different note, I can see a difference in my reward choices from the last time I did this weights loss journey. My rewards are a bit more practical this time around. For my first two ten-pound rewards I bought workout clothes and running shoes. For my next reward, I was planning on buying Jackie Hill Perry’s latest book however it doesn’t come out for another couple of weeks. Last night I got thinking that I need to replace my luggage that I’ve had for the last 15 years. I’ve already replaced my smaller, carry-on bag with one from https://www.awaytravel.com/ that I LOVE! Their bags are pricy, but I now use my carry-on solely on trips and I would love a bigger suitcase. I’d like to get their larger suitcase as my big 100lb total weight loss reward, but it’s still expensive. So as of now, I’m thinking about using some of my smaller 10lb rewards to get gift cards to Away to help cut down on the price later. I’m thinking this will help with my need for more self discipline and delayed gratification in my life. I’m not saying that every single one of my 10lb rewards will go to this, but honestly I’m trying to have less stuff in my life for the sake of future moves and this is a practical need so it kinda makes sense to me.

Also my family has talked about going on a big trip at the end of this journey to celebrate. There’s a location in mind, but nothing is official yet, but I’d definitely need a bigger piece of luggage! 

That’s all for now. Thanks for tuning in! 

Monday, July 5, 2021

Two Weeks In

So here we are again. I’ve officially finished two weeks of Nutrisystem and I’ve lost 15lbs! Week one was a 10lb loss and I weighed in this morning with another 5. I broke 200 (barely) and have 85lbs to go. I did get my new workout clothes last week and my next 10lb goal is new walking shoes! I’m in desperate need! Tomorrow I transition to the HMR at Home program and I’m actually excited. By the way, Nutrisystem tastes terrible! 

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Well friends. I'm not sure who subscribed to this blog almost NINE years ago or who may stumble upon this, but to whoever reads this, know this is such a weird place to be in. I maintained my weight loss for not nearly as long as I should have or I would have liked, but it's been a journey over the last 7 - almost 8 -years since I hit my initial goal weight. I won't get into that here, but feel free to call me and I'll share the longer story with you for sure.

So as you know, or may have figured out, I've gained all the weight back that I had lost plus an additional 19 lbs from my heaviest weight (previously). I knew it was a problem, but all of my check ups at my doctor's were great except for my weight. Blood work and blood pressure were always perfect. I don't feel like crap. So what's the urgency in working on my weight, right?!

Recently I spent six days with three of my former roommates from Oregon and it was a huge blessing!! It's been so long since we were all together, and while we were missing a few of us, we got long phone calls with those who couldn't join us. It was a relaxing week and a sweet time of late nights, slow mornings, laughter, tears, prayer, and plan making for future vacation with my old roommates. 

However as I looked at the pictures from that vacation, I realize I look terrible. I'm not saying this in a vain way. I was just seeing how unhealthy I was. I don't feel as unhealthy as I am/I look. I don't struggle with basic things like climbing or going downstairs, but I know that can be an easy struggle for people who are my size. I don't want to get there. I don't want to be embarrassed by pictures anymore or have those pictures taint my memories of sweet vacations with friends. I knew something needed to be done. And now.

When I was on the weight loss journey before, a lot of it was encouraged by family members. This feels different for me. This is me owning this and I'm pretty determined to make this journey worth it in the long haul.

With all of that said, on Monday I started Nutrisystem. I'm finishing up week one and so far I'm not loving the food. It's not as good as the HMR food I ate on the last weight loss journey I was on. I'm thinking about switching to the HMR at Home program, but I'm giving Nutrisystem a full two weeks before I make a decision. 

I don't plan on posting on here with every weigh in or with weekly weight loss pictures like last time, but I will continue to update. I will continue to share. If y'all want to talk more, call me. I'm happy to talk. Part of me is really excited about not making a big deal about this while losing weight, but surprising people from time-to-time when I run into them. Also I still plan on doing rewards for every 10 lbs I lose which I look forward to and will share that, of course. I think my first reward is a new work out top and shorts. I'm currently using baggy walking shorts and a Rockbridge Work Crew tshirt. Not the most comfortable with Virginia Beach humidity.

So here I am with a goal weight of 114 and, in moment of complete (hard/painful) vulnerability, 100 lbs to lose. Tomorrow is my first weigh-in!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In

Well I lost another pound. Crazy. I'm at 113 and officially my goal weight. Tonight's the first time since this process started that I haven't taken a picture and I'm kinda okay with that. I'm at my goal weight and I'm kinda tired of the picture taking. I'm sure y'all are tired of seeing me in a grey tshirt and jeans! I've officially lost 82 lbs!

Starting tomorrow, I'm adding more regular food to my diet. I started doing 5 shakes and 2 entrees a day on the decision free program. Then when I started the healthy solutions program, I started doing 3 shakes, 2 entrees, and 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Now that they're introducing normal foods, they'll do it gradually. So starting tomorrow, I'll be doing 3 shakes, 1 entree, 5 servings of fruits and veggies, and 1 serving of lean protein. So now I can eat things like eggs, chicken, yogurt, etc. I'm real excited yet real nervous about eating normal food too. I'm just glad that I'll be doing the Phase II program at the clinic. Phase II is the maintenance phase of the program. They teach you how to eat normal food and maintain your weight. Which is the hard part for me. I know how to gain and I know how to lose. I've never maintained my weight before...ever. I'm excited to learn though. I've worked so hard to get where I am, I don't want to go back.

So most of you know that for every 10 lbs I've lost, I treated myself to a reward that wasn't food related. I was also aiming for the end of the road reward. And this whole last year I've been trying to figure out what I wanted that to be. During this journey I've been clinging to this verse from Hebrews 6:19 "We have the hope that's an anchor for the soul; steadfast and secure." So I figured, why not get an anchor tattoo.

So Saturday morning I went up to the tattoo shop where I got my first two done and got this done. I love it. My parents on the other hand, not so much. Nothing looks better on Irish skin than an anchor tattoo, right? ;) 

So there we have it folks. 82lbs lighter and little more inked. Not much more I can ask for!

All in.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wonderful Weekly Weigh-In!

So I have some news. I weighed in tonight and weighed the exact same to the ounce for the second week in a row. 114lbs 4oz. I was initially frustrated. As I was stepping off the scale, I was asking one of our nurses, Sam, her thoughts on why that was and if I needed to reconsider my goal weight. To make a long story somewhat short, I re-did the Body Composition Analysis (BCA) Machine. When you do the BCA machine, you find out your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Essentially your BMR tells you how much you should weigh. According to the BCA machine and my BMR, I should weigh 113lbs and 8oz. The Doc looked over it briefly and said she agreed with that based on all the criteria from the BCA. She also said my initial goal of 105 for my body was too little for my body. At Tidewater Bariatrics, if you are within three pounds of your BMR on either side, you are doing well. So yes I would like to be at 113.5lbs, but hey I'll take the 114lbs and 4oz! At first I was bummed that I wouldn't get to 105, but I'm becoming more okay with being at 113.5. It's kinda surreal that I'm pretty much done.

So what happens now, you might ask? Well they will very gradually take me off of their food and put me on real food. That process won't start this week, but it will in the next couple of weeks. I'll keep y'all posted on what that will look like as it happens.

Also, somehow in the last year, my math on the number of days I've been doing this program got a bit off. So I fixed it. Also, I did give myself a haircut today if you didn't notice!

9.24.13 Day 369, Lost:0 Total:76, Weight: 114

Also I thought it's be fun to show y'all my picture from day one til now. Remember I had lost five pounds before I started this program so overall weight loss has been 81lbs.

                                                      190lbs                                         114 lbs

Also in this journey I've taken up running. If you missed it, I ran the Rock and Roll Half Marathon a few weeks ago. Here's how the half marathon went. In running the half, I raised $3150 for Young Life Capernaum so people with disabilities could hear about Christ. It is still my passion for people to hear about Christ. I am running a 10K in just over a month and I'm still raising money for Young Life Capernaum. If you'd like to support me and Capernaum, please go here!

Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement! I'll continue to update y'all!

All in.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In

Not much to fill y'all in on this week. I stayed the same weight exactly as last week to the ounce. These last three pounds are going to kill me. It's a new week. Only 9 more pounds to go!

9.17.13 Day 355, Lost:0 Total:7, Weight: 114

All in.