Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In

First things first - I have raised almost 10% of my fundraising goal for Young Life Capernaum. I signed up to run the Rock and Roll Half Marathon a few months ago and recently had the opportunity to join a racing team to raise money for Capernaum. If you'd like to read more of the story, go here. If you'd like to donate to my race, go here. I have just over a month to raise $4,575.

I don't have much else to say here other than I lost 1 pound this week. Which I'm told over and over again that amount is really goos for this stage in the journey and for how small I am. I have 12 pounds left to lose and I'd really like to take it off in the next few weeks instead of the next 3 months. I'm shooting for 2 pounds this next week so I can hit 75 pounds on the program and 80 pounds overall. We'll see.

7.30.13 Day 306, Lost:1 Total: 73, Weight: 117

All in.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In

First and foremost, thank you all for your support and encouraging words. If I haven't replied to your email, I will try to get to it in the next day or so. If you are a little confused, click here. I am running the Rock and Roll Half Marathon Labor Day weekend and I'm raising money for Young Life Capernaum. If you're interested in giving or reading some of the background, click on the link above! I'm hoping to raise $5000 by Labor Day for YL Capernaum and so far I've raised $225! Thanks to those who have donated this far. Keep it coming!

If you're a new reader to this blog, let me feel you in on a few things. If you're a regular reader - I'm sorry for sounding like a broken record. The program that I'm doing, when you go for your weekly weigh-in (Tuesday evenings for me) the scale has the pounds and the actual ounce listed. If your weight  ends in 0 - 7 ounces, they round your weight down to the closest whole pound. If your weight ends in 8 - 15 ounces, they round your weight up to the closest whole pound. Last week I weighed in at 118lbs 7oz so they rounded me down to 118. This week I weighed in at 117lbs 14 oz so they rounded me up to 118. I did lose a half pound, but because of the system, it says I didn't lose anything. Not to be too discouraged though, the weight will come off! Also I lost 5lbs before I started this program. Below the picture it'll say how much I lost that week and the total I've lost. The total does not include the 5lbs I lost before I started the program.

7.23.13 Day 299, Lost:0 Total:72, Weight: 118

All in.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Back On Track - Weekly Weigh-In

Well here we are. This last weekend was not easy, but it's over. And I'm back on the right track. I lost two this week. It's not the three that I had gained, but I lost two and I'm choosing to be excited about it! This journey is definitely HARD! But it is worth it. I have to remind myself of that daily...especially now that I'm getting closer to my goal weight. It is getting harder to lose in all respects - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. I don't NEED to lose the weight like I use to, but I'm not at the target weight for me yet. It is harder to keep going when the need to lose isn't as great. Foods that are not "in the box" yet, both healthy and not healthy, are sounding better and better by the day (sometimes the hours) and are getting harder and hard to avoid. I have less weight to lose than most people who have weight to lose. It's just crazy. It's hard. I'm definitely learning what it's like to be strong and discipline. It's not easy to be either. But here we are and I have 13 pounds to go. I've lost 72 pounds on the program, 77 pounds overall. Here we go.

On a different note, my 15 month old nephew, Wyatt, said "Ash" for the first time this evening. That was so fun!

7.16.13 Day 292, Lost:2 Total:72, Weight: 118

All in.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Geting right to the point here. This weekly weigh-in sucked. Big time. I gained three pounds and I'm not sure why. I really don't like it. It is really hard. I seriously have no clue why I gained three. 15 pounds to go til I get to my goal weight.

7.9.13 Day 285, Lost:+3 Total:70, Weight: 120

All in.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

5K And Weekly Weigh-In

I ran a 5K this weekend and it was awesome! 27 minutes thank you very much! I came in 4th in my age group for women! Stoked! It was the first 5K that I've been been able to run the whole thing. Loved it!

 Photo Credit: Ryan Rico

Also I lost 3lbs this week! At this point in the came, that is absurd. Ridiculous. I should be losing like 3lbs a month and I just lost three pounds this week! Seriously ridiculous!  I'm officially out of the 120s and into the 110s. 12 more pounds left!

7.2.13 Day 278, Lost:3 Total:73, Weight: 117

All in.