Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In

Well I lost another pound. Crazy. I'm at 113 and officially my goal weight. Tonight's the first time since this process started that I haven't taken a picture and I'm kinda okay with that. I'm at my goal weight and I'm kinda tired of the picture taking. I'm sure y'all are tired of seeing me in a grey tshirt and jeans! I've officially lost 82 lbs!

Starting tomorrow, I'm adding more regular food to my diet. I started doing 5 shakes and 2 entrees a day on the decision free program. Then when I started the healthy solutions program, I started doing 3 shakes, 2 entrees, and 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Now that they're introducing normal foods, they'll do it gradually. So starting tomorrow, I'll be doing 3 shakes, 1 entree, 5 servings of fruits and veggies, and 1 serving of lean protein. So now I can eat things like eggs, chicken, yogurt, etc. I'm real excited yet real nervous about eating normal food too. I'm just glad that I'll be doing the Phase II program at the clinic. Phase II is the maintenance phase of the program. They teach you how to eat normal food and maintain your weight. Which is the hard part for me. I know how to gain and I know how to lose. I've never maintained my weight before...ever. I'm excited to learn though. I've worked so hard to get where I am, I don't want to go back.

So most of you know that for every 10 lbs I've lost, I treated myself to a reward that wasn't food related. I was also aiming for the end of the road reward. And this whole last year I've been trying to figure out what I wanted that to be. During this journey I've been clinging to this verse from Hebrews 6:19 "We have the hope that's an anchor for the soul; steadfast and secure." So I figured, why not get an anchor tattoo.

So Saturday morning I went up to the tattoo shop where I got my first two done and got this done. I love it. My parents on the other hand, not so much. Nothing looks better on Irish skin than an anchor tattoo, right? ;) 

So there we have it folks. 82lbs lighter and little more inked. Not much more I can ask for!

All in.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wonderful Weekly Weigh-In!

So I have some news. I weighed in tonight and weighed the exact same to the ounce for the second week in a row. 114lbs 4oz. I was initially frustrated. As I was stepping off the scale, I was asking one of our nurses, Sam, her thoughts on why that was and if I needed to reconsider my goal weight. To make a long story somewhat short, I re-did the Body Composition Analysis (BCA) Machine. When you do the BCA machine, you find out your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Essentially your BMR tells you how much you should weigh. According to the BCA machine and my BMR, I should weigh 113lbs and 8oz. The Doc looked over it briefly and said she agreed with that based on all the criteria from the BCA. She also said my initial goal of 105 for my body was too little for my body. At Tidewater Bariatrics, if you are within three pounds of your BMR on either side, you are doing well. So yes I would like to be at 113.5lbs, but hey I'll take the 114lbs and 4oz! At first I was bummed that I wouldn't get to 105, but I'm becoming more okay with being at 113.5. It's kinda surreal that I'm pretty much done.

So what happens now, you might ask? Well they will very gradually take me off of their food and put me on real food. That process won't start this week, but it will in the next couple of weeks. I'll keep y'all posted on what that will look like as it happens.

Also, somehow in the last year, my math on the number of days I've been doing this program got a bit off. So I fixed it. Also, I did give myself a haircut today if you didn't notice!

9.24.13 Day 369, Lost:0 Total:76, Weight: 114

Also I thought it's be fun to show y'all my picture from day one til now. Remember I had lost five pounds before I started this program so overall weight loss has been 81lbs.

                                                      190lbs                                         114 lbs

Also in this journey I've taken up running. If you missed it, I ran the Rock and Roll Half Marathon a few weeks ago. Here's how the half marathon went. In running the half, I raised $3150 for Young Life Capernaum so people with disabilities could hear about Christ. It is still my passion for people to hear about Christ. I am running a 10K in just over a month and I'm still raising money for Young Life Capernaum. If you'd like to support me and Capernaum, please go here!

Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement! I'll continue to update y'all!

All in.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In

Not much to fill y'all in on this week. I stayed the same weight exactly as last week to the ounce. These last three pounds are going to kill me. It's a new week. Only 9 more pounds to go!

9.17.13 Day 355, Lost:0 Total:7, Weight: 114

All in.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Wonderful Weekly Weigh-In

Well this week's weigh-in has made up for the last few weeks of ups and downs on the scale. I lost three pounds this week! Back down to 114 which is the lowest I've been on the program. Also haven't weighed this little since like middle school. Geez. Nine more pounds til my goal weight! Can't wait! Here we go! I've got this!

Also if you didn't see on my facebook or receive my email, I'm running another race! I'm running a 10K at the end of October. I'm raising money for Young Life Capernaum again with C-4 Racing. If you wish to give, go to http://www.razoo.com/story/Wicked-10k.

9.10.13 Day 348, Lost:3 Total:76, Weight: 114

All in.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Good Week...Just Not On The Scale

The half marathon was awesome! To read more about it go here.

The scale wasn't so kind this week. Part of it is that I cheated on my food a few too many times and part of it is my body is retaining water from the race! I'm ready to let go of this last little bit!

9.3.13, Day 341, Lost: +2, Total: 73, Weight: 117

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Race Week And Weekly Weigh-In

It's race week! The race is on Sunday! Please pray, my foot's been bothering for a little over a week now and while it is beginning to feel better, I would love to not worry about it anymore. Also I just signed up for a 10K right before Halloween! I'm pretty stoked about that. I lost one pound this week. 10 pounds to go! I've got this!

8.27.13 Day 334, Lost:1 Total:75, Weight: 115

All in.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


This post is going to be short because I'm tired and ready for bed and it's 9:45. Sigh. I gained two pounds this week. They think I'm retaining water because of my running schedule and not actually gaining real weight. Hopefully it'll show up on the scale next week. 11 more pounds to go. I've got this. Gotta keep myself motivated!

On a different note, after my meeting tonight, my sister-in-law, Amber, and I made a quick stop into Old Navy tonight. Two new extra small tops and two size 0 shorts! Thanks for the trip to Old Navy!

8.20.13 Day 327, Lost:+2 Total:74, Weight: 116

All in.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In!!

Ah! I lost two pounds this week! Kind of unheard of at this point in the game! I'm officially out of the "overweight" section of the weight chart and into the "normal" range! For my height, the healthy weight ranges from 91 pounds to 115 pounds. I'm shooting for 105 as my goal weight! 9 more pounds! Eek! Out of the double digits!!! I only have 9 more pounds to lose!! So excited!

Also, I've raised $1575 out of my $5000 goal for Young Life Capernaum for my race. I have just less than three weeks til race days. If you'd like to support me in this race, go to: http://www.razoo.com/story/Virginia-Beach-Rock-And-Roll-Half-Marathon

8.13.13 Day 320, Lost:2 Total:76, Weight: 114

All in.

Friday, August 9, 2013


If you are new to this blog, every so often you'll blog entries on new clothes I've gotten or clothes that are now too big. Boring blogs, but hey it's not a weekly weigh-in blog and I'm okay with this so here we go.

My sisters-in-law, Amber and Jess, are awesome. They've given me a ton of their clothes that they were willing to pass along. It has been a blessing to have clothes that fit and options as I'm still losing weight! Amber gave me a bunch more clothes this afternoon that I haven't fully gone through yet...next post. And yes, I'm still putting in shameless plugs for free clothes (hint hint YL friends)!

The first set of pictures are clothes that I received.

Two pairs of pants and a pair of shorts. Sad the pair of pants
on the right are already too big...I liked them a lot!

Work out clothes. The pants and the shorts on bottom
are too big as well...

My parents went to Rockbridge and brought back 
two YL tshirts!

Three new tops. The white one I believe is from Jess and
the other two are from Target - Extra Small thank you!

My dear friends, Stephen and Casey, now live in
Chicago. They came home to visit a few weeks ago
and brought me this tank top! Yes, the do know I'm 
a Yankees fan! And yes, I still love it because it came 
from them. Atleast it's not a Fenway tank top!

Amber's bathing suites. Also too big!

This next patch are all clothes that are too big! Let me know if you want any of this stuff, anyone!

Size medium Target tshirts.

Medium Target skirts.

More Target tshirts - S/M.

More tops.

Work out pants/shorts.

Size 4 jeans, Size 2 pants and shorts.

The tub no longer closes. All these clothes are too big!

Until next time...

All in.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In

Today I'm kinda grumpy. Don't know why. I'm just grumpy. I woke up this morning to the sound of rain coming down and I did NOT want to get out of bed. At all. I've tried all day to get into a better mood and here we are at 8:35 and I'm not there. Sigh. Tomorrow's a new day.

Also, I am just over 25% through my fundraising goal of $5000 for Young Life Capernaum. I'm running the Rock and Roll half marathon in just less than 4 weeks and I'm asking people to support me in running this race by giving to Capernuam. If you wish to give, go here: http://www.razoo.com/story/Virginia-Beach-Rock-And-Roll-Half-Marathon

I lost another pound this week. Yay. 11 more pounds to go.

8.6.13 Day 313, Lost:1 Total:74, Weight: 116

All in.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In

First things first - I have raised almost 10% of my fundraising goal for Young Life Capernaum. I signed up to run the Rock and Roll Half Marathon a few months ago and recently had the opportunity to join a racing team to raise money for Capernaum. If you'd like to read more of the story, go here. If you'd like to donate to my race, go here. I have just over a month to raise $4,575.

I don't have much else to say here other than I lost 1 pound this week. Which I'm told over and over again that amount is really goos for this stage in the journey and for how small I am. I have 12 pounds left to lose and I'd really like to take it off in the next few weeks instead of the next 3 months. I'm shooting for 2 pounds this next week so I can hit 75 pounds on the program and 80 pounds overall. We'll see.

7.30.13 Day 306, Lost:1 Total: 73, Weight: 117

All in.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In

First and foremost, thank you all for your support and encouraging words. If I haven't replied to your email, I will try to get to it in the next day or so. If you are a little confused, click here. I am running the Rock and Roll Half Marathon Labor Day weekend and I'm raising money for Young Life Capernaum. If you're interested in giving or reading some of the background, click on the link above! I'm hoping to raise $5000 by Labor Day for YL Capernaum and so far I've raised $225! Thanks to those who have donated this far. Keep it coming!

If you're a new reader to this blog, let me feel you in on a few things. If you're a regular reader - I'm sorry for sounding like a broken record. The program that I'm doing, when you go for your weekly weigh-in (Tuesday evenings for me) the scale has the pounds and the actual ounce listed. If your weight  ends in 0 - 7 ounces, they round your weight down to the closest whole pound. If your weight ends in 8 - 15 ounces, they round your weight up to the closest whole pound. Last week I weighed in at 118lbs 7oz so they rounded me down to 118. This week I weighed in at 117lbs 14 oz so they rounded me up to 118. I did lose a half pound, but because of the system, it says I didn't lose anything. Not to be too discouraged though, the weight will come off! Also I lost 5lbs before I started this program. Below the picture it'll say how much I lost that week and the total I've lost. The total does not include the 5lbs I lost before I started the program.

7.23.13 Day 299, Lost:0 Total:72, Weight: 118

All in.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Back On Track - Weekly Weigh-In

Well here we are. This last weekend was not easy, but it's over. And I'm back on the right track. I lost two this week. It's not the three that I had gained, but I lost two and I'm choosing to be excited about it! This journey is definitely HARD! But it is worth it. I have to remind myself of that daily...especially now that I'm getting closer to my goal weight. It is getting harder to lose in all respects - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. I don't NEED to lose the weight like I use to, but I'm not at the target weight for me yet. It is harder to keep going when the need to lose isn't as great. Foods that are not "in the box" yet, both healthy and not healthy, are sounding better and better by the day (sometimes the hours) and are getting harder and hard to avoid. I have less weight to lose than most people who have weight to lose. It's just crazy. It's hard. I'm definitely learning what it's like to be strong and discipline. It's not easy to be either. But here we are and I have 13 pounds to go. I've lost 72 pounds on the program, 77 pounds overall. Here we go.

On a different note, my 15 month old nephew, Wyatt, said "Ash" for the first time this evening. That was so fun!

7.16.13 Day 292, Lost:2 Total:72, Weight: 118

All in.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Geting right to the point here. This weekly weigh-in sucked. Big time. I gained three pounds and I'm not sure why. I really don't like it. It is really hard. I seriously have no clue why I gained three. 15 pounds to go til I get to my goal weight.

7.9.13 Day 285, Lost:+3 Total:70, Weight: 120

All in.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

5K And Weekly Weigh-In

I ran a 5K this weekend and it was awesome! 27 minutes thank you very much! I came in 4th in my age group for women! Stoked! It was the first 5K that I've been been able to run the whole thing. Loved it!

 Photo Credit: Ryan Rico

Also I lost 3lbs this week! At this point in the came, that is absurd. Ridiculous. I should be losing like 3lbs a month and I just lost three pounds this week! Seriously ridiculous!  I'm officially out of the 120s and into the 110s. 12 more pounds left!

7.2.13 Day 278, Lost:3 Total:73, Weight: 117

All in.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In and Reward

This has been a ridiculously crazy week. Fun, but real crazy. I've had work, working out, all kinds of family in town, travels out of town, a wedding, and lots more. Through the craziness I still lost! I lost 1 lb this week so I'm at 120. I've lost 70 lbs on this program and 75 lbs overall. 75 flipping pounds! I have only 15 more pounds to go! Eeek!

Also I'm running a 5K this weekend supporting Young Life Capernaum in the area. If you want to walk or run the 5k, you can sign up or get more info here. It will he the first race that I'll actually be able run the whole thing! Real excited!

 6.25.13 Day 277, Lost:1 Total:70, Weight: 120

Also for every 10 pounds I treat myself to one fun thing, not food related. In the past I've done earrings, cd's, movies, etc. This time I treated myself to Friday Night Lights Season 3. I have treated myself to Season 1 and 2 in previous rewards, Real excited for Season 3. Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose!

All in.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In

I was 1 ounce away from losing two pounds this week. Dah! So close! Next week though. If I lose one pound next week, I'll have lost 70 lbs on the program, 75 lbs overall, and I would be at 120. Next week. I already have my next reward picked out. I won't let y'all know til I reach that goal. Next week. If I hit two lbs next week, I'd officially out of the 120s. Can't wait!

6.18.13 Day 270, Lost:1 Total:69, Weight: 121

All in.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Meet The TWB Staff

Okay I know that I'm probably more excited about this than I should be. As most of you know, I started working for the weight loss clinic (Tidewater Bariatrics) I go to about two months ago. Yesterday our boss asked us to submit a picture and answer questions to post to our facebook page. As a staff we had a lot of fun looking up pictures of ourselves and each other to use for this little project. Most of my pictures are from 73 pounds ago and I REALLY didn't want to use any of those. So we pulled out the office camera and had a lot of fun taking pictures of (and with) each other. Most of them we couldn't use because they are ridiculous. 

I also know that this is not the best picture of me, but it will work. And for those of you wondering what I mean by Non-PA - PA is the term the clinic uses for Physical Activity. So here's the link to the facebook album...


All in.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In

Getting closer to your goal weight really sucks. It takes A LOT longer and A LOT more work to take the weight off the closer you are to being done! I lost half a pound this week, but it didn't count for losing anything because of that stupid rounding up and down rule. I worked my butt off this week! If I were to lose a pound a week from here on out, I would be at my goal weight October 8th. Sigh. Feels like forever from now.

In other news I've signed up for two races. The first is Young Life Capernaum of Hampton Roads Stroll and Roll 5K on June 29th. You can walk, run, use a wheel chair, etc. If you want to sign up and support Capernaum, click here. I'm real excited about it. This is the first 5K that I will actually run the whole thing without stopping. The second race is the Virginia Beach Rock and Roll Half Marathon. I did this race once before with my aunt and I'm real excited to train for this race. I walked and ran the last half (mostly walked) and this time around I really want to be able to run the whole thing. Hence the training. Still seriously considering running the Portland Rock and Roll Half Marathon next May if any of my Canyon Family/PNW friends want to run it with me! Sarah Morrow!

I'm still proud of myself and how far I've come since the beginning of this journey. I saw this thing on Pinterest recently that said something to the effect of "It's not just about how much further you have to go, but how far you've come!" 73 pounds down definitely outweighs the 17 that I still have to lose!

6.10.13 Day 263, Lost:0 Total:68, Weight: 122

All in.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Back On Track!!!

Well I'm back on track! It has been a good week and the scale showed it! I'm down another three pounds. If I lose one pound a week from here on out, I'll hit my goal weight October 1st! That's 17 weeks from now! I've lost 68 lbs on the program, 73 overall and I have 17 more to go! Eek! I'm almost out of the 120's! I'm at 122 this week. I'm hoping (and working towards) a two lb weight loss this next week so I can be at an even 175!

Friends on assignment - if y'all are willing to pick out a shirt/sweatshirt for me and mail it to me/bring it home for me, let me know and I will send you money! Also in the picture below, I'm in size twos!

6.4.13 Day 256, Lost:3 Total:68, Weight: 122

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's A New Week...

I got a little off track this week. Not awful. I did not gain a ton or go to every fast food place imaginable or anything. I did enjoy some goodies at a baby shower for my friend Halley and I'm pretty sure the box of Wheat Thins were actually talking to me. Needless to say I gained half of a pound, but the way the clinic views it because I was 124 lbs and 8 oz, they rounded up to 125. So in their books, I gained a pound. I am a little bummed, but I kinda expected it. Today is a new day and a new week for weight loss. As my friend Tandy said today it feels kinda good to hit the restart button. Have a fresh start this week. And that is how I'm going to look at it. I can't change this past week. I can just chose to do well today and this week. I have still lost 70 lbs overall and you can't take that away from me! So here we go. Here's to a new week.

5.28.13 Day 249, Lost:+1 Total:65, Weight: 125

All in.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Under some sad circumstances, I was able to see some friends this weekend that I don't get to see often enough. One such friend was Stacy Dooley. Stacy and our friend Katie have both, on separate occasions, admitted that they stalk my blog. While I do not feel worthy of one person stalking my blog, much less multiple people stalking blog, it is flattering to know people care enough to stalk the blog. Stacy said something to me the other day that felt great and I thought was super cool. She said "That stikin' tshirt does not do justice to how good you really look!" And I'm pretty sure Katie said something a few months ago the last time I saw her. I often look at the pictures of myself - especially the ones early on - and think that I look SO terrible! I definitely think I look better and I definitely feel better than I use to, but it is definitely so great to hear it from others when you get tired and weary in this process. And it's a long one!

This week I stayed the same weight. Neither gained nor lost. Neither a good thing or a bad. It is what it is. It's a new week. This past week my exercise was way down due to being sick and having friends then family in town. But again this is a new week and I hope to make up for this week on the scale next week. 

It is a long and hard process but I am definitely thankful for those of who have come around me in this journey.

5.21.13 Day 242, Lost:0 Total:66, Weight: 124

All in.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


If you are a guy who reads has read the blog somewhat regularly from the beginning or one who I've recently passed my blog onto (Kory and Carter among others), I apologize for such blog entries as these; they are probably really boring for y'all seeing that I'm talking about clothes. I have more clothes that are too big and a TON of clothes from my sisters-in-law, Jess and Amber. It felt like Christmas going through all my "new" clothes! Super thankful for Jess and Amber passing off their clothes to me! But first - the too big clothes!

 Two brown sweaters and a green sweater. All medium.

 A medium monkey fur mountain hardware jacket,
medium Rockbridge fleece, and a ladies medium YL
Commonwealth fleece.

 The bin is getting VERY full.  Now onto the
new clothes from Jess and Amber.

Well there it is folks. I know this kinda boring, but it is life for me right now.

All in.