Yeah so two weeks ago I went through like 5 shirts before I found a top that fit and was not too big to wear to church. I am not a morning person nor do I plan an outfit out the night before therefore I like to be able to grab something out of my closet, throw it on, know it atleast looks decent, and walk out the door. So after church that day, I tried on everything in my closet and put aside (or really threw it in a pile) everything that was too big. It felt SO good to get rid of stuff that was too big instead of things that were too small! Also I am officially in single digits in both my pants size (now a 6 at Old Navy) and bathing suite (8 in Nike). For those of you who are regular blog readers will know that I was originally a 14 in pants (and probably should have been in a 16) and 16 in a bathing suite. Great feelings! Got my smaller bathing suite today, in fact!
Before I share all the things that are too big, I want to give a quick shout out to my friend Lynsie McDaniel. Lynsie was a Yearlong Intern at SharpTop Cove the year before me and her now husband, Ryan, was a Yearlong Intern the same year at Washington Family Ranch. After their Yearlong years, Ryan and Lynsie got married and Ryan moved to Georgia to join Lynsie on full-time Property Staff at STC. It was a fun thought that while I was out at WFR that Ryan and I had switched camps with an overlap at STC. Anyways, I spent my whole intern year in the kitchen with Lynsie and loved my time with her making lasagnas and other kitchen craziness. Anyways, Lyns read my last blog post from Tuesday and saw my request for tshirts and being the rockstar she is, she sent me these four tops and they arrived in the mail yesterday! Thanks Lyns!
Lyns sent me two small tanks, a Virginia for lovers tshirt (both Ryan and
Lyns are fellow Virginians) and a Young Life SharpTop Cove tshirt. Love it!
Here is the start of my collection of too big clothes collection. You will notice the clothes that were bought before or after my stint out west because they have color!
I wish this picture did this pile justice! Holy cow he did I own this many clothes?
14 tshirts. Two of which were my only two Yankees tshirts. 6 I got at
the WFR auctions. 1 random Windy Gap tshirt, 1 VB Wyld Life tshirt,
1 UGA shirt, 1 Team Libby shirt, 1 YL TimberWolf Lake tshirt, and 1
Virginia Tech shirt. Sigh.
3 Target short sleeve tops and 3 Target tops
5 long sleeve and 1 3/4 length Target/Old Navy tops.
3 Old Navy tops. The Yellow floral one and the one on the bottom
are still in great condition. They will make someone happy! Size Medium
if anyone interested!
My two Youth Leadership Forum Staff shirts. Sad. Miss the dear
YLF family!
Work out pants and shorts. Ridiculous.
Green vest and sweater - my PNW classics!
The black dress on the left I bought for my friends, Rick and Kelli's
wedding. It was a smidge tight and not the most flattering then, but I
was last minute shopping and in need to not have a dress that needed to be
hemmed (story of my life). The brown dress on the right I bought for my
friends, Tim and Melissa's wedding. These would be great dresses - if they fit me!
Khaki shorts and yes my pair of size 10 jeans. I am officially in 6's!
Gah! Size 6's! Cannot believe I am in single digit pants! I do not
remember the last time I was in single digit pants!
Walla Walla, WA sweatshirt and Rockbridge fleece. Sigh. I
love that fleece. It's my favorite color. Also in excellent condition.
Up for grabs.
Two Medium Target skirts.
Two pair of pj's. The one on the left was a gift from my brother
and sister-in-law for Christmas - I believe it was the first Christmas
they were married which was 8 years ago.
Remember that big rubber maid container? Yep it's full!
Yeah this is what is left in my closet. Half of those clothes are too
big, but can't afford to get rid of EVERYTHING. Some of those
things are new and fun.
After all that, I found more clothes that were too big! The dress
on the right I wore to my brother and sister-in-law's rehearsal dinner
almost 9 years ago and then the rest of the summer I wore it to every
dress up dinner at camp on Summer Staff and camp trips. Not sure why I
kept it this long. Left it in a closet at my parents and forgot about it. The
dress on the left is my bridesmaid dress from Mike and Amber's wedding.
Don't worry, after this pic was taken, I hung it back up and put it back in the
closet. I didn't subject it to the box.
This was another bridesmaid dress from June 2008.
The suite on the left is the old one, suite on the right is the
one I bought today! Yay for smaller suites!
I know this is a long post, atleast for me. And probably really boring for y'all. This would probably be boring for me if this was not my own blog. But this is helpful for me. It is helpful for processing and reflecting. When I get to my goal weight, I am sure I will have times where I will struggle to maintain the weight or won't feel comfortable in my skin or...well there could be a thousand different emotions. I want to be able to document this stuff so I can see where I was and where I am going to encourage myself both now and in the future. I do not want to to go back there. I feel more comfortable in my own skin now and I'm not quite 2/3 way done yet. Imagine how I will feel when I get to my goal weight - only 34 more pounds away! I can do this! I got this!
Thanks for the encouragement everybody! Keep it coming!
All in.