Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Race Week And Weekly Weigh-In

It's race week! The race is on Sunday! Please pray, my foot's been bothering for a little over a week now and while it is beginning to feel better, I would love to not worry about it anymore. Also I just signed up for a 10K right before Halloween! I'm pretty stoked about that. I lost one pound this week. 10 pounds to go! I've got this!

8.27.13 Day 334, Lost:1 Total:75, Weight: 115

All in.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


This post is going to be short because I'm tired and ready for bed and it's 9:45. Sigh. I gained two pounds this week. They think I'm retaining water because of my running schedule and not actually gaining real weight. Hopefully it'll show up on the scale next week. 11 more pounds to go. I've got this. Gotta keep myself motivated!

On a different note, after my meeting tonight, my sister-in-law, Amber, and I made a quick stop into Old Navy tonight. Two new extra small tops and two size 0 shorts! Thanks for the trip to Old Navy!

8.20.13 Day 327, Lost:+2 Total:74, Weight: 116

All in.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In!!

Ah! I lost two pounds this week! Kind of unheard of at this point in the game! I'm officially out of the "overweight" section of the weight chart and into the "normal" range! For my height, the healthy weight ranges from 91 pounds to 115 pounds. I'm shooting for 105 as my goal weight! 9 more pounds! Eek! Out of the double digits!!! I only have 9 more pounds to lose!! So excited!

Also, I've raised $1575 out of my $5000 goal for Young Life Capernaum for my race. I have just less than three weeks til race days. If you'd like to support me in this race, go to: http://www.razoo.com/story/Virginia-Beach-Rock-And-Roll-Half-Marathon

8.13.13 Day 320, Lost:2 Total:76, Weight: 114

All in.

Friday, August 9, 2013


If you are new to this blog, every so often you'll blog entries on new clothes I've gotten or clothes that are now too big. Boring blogs, but hey it's not a weekly weigh-in blog and I'm okay with this so here we go.

My sisters-in-law, Amber and Jess, are awesome. They've given me a ton of their clothes that they were willing to pass along. It has been a blessing to have clothes that fit and options as I'm still losing weight! Amber gave me a bunch more clothes this afternoon that I haven't fully gone through yet...next post. And yes, I'm still putting in shameless plugs for free clothes (hint hint YL friends)!

The first set of pictures are clothes that I received.

Two pairs of pants and a pair of shorts. Sad the pair of pants
on the right are already too big...I liked them a lot!

Work out clothes. The pants and the shorts on bottom
are too big as well...

My parents went to Rockbridge and brought back 
two YL tshirts!

Three new tops. The white one I believe is from Jess and
the other two are from Target - Extra Small thank you!

My dear friends, Stephen and Casey, now live in
Chicago. They came home to visit a few weeks ago
and brought me this tank top! Yes, the do know I'm 
a Yankees fan! And yes, I still love it because it came 
from them. Atleast it's not a Fenway tank top!

Amber's bathing suites. Also too big!

This next patch are all clothes that are too big! Let me know if you want any of this stuff, anyone!

Size medium Target tshirts.

Medium Target skirts.

More Target tshirts - S/M.

More tops.

Work out pants/shorts.

Size 4 jeans, Size 2 pants and shorts.

The tub no longer closes. All these clothes are too big!

Until next time...

All in.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In

Today I'm kinda grumpy. Don't know why. I'm just grumpy. I woke up this morning to the sound of rain coming down and I did NOT want to get out of bed. At all. I've tried all day to get into a better mood and here we are at 8:35 and I'm not there. Sigh. Tomorrow's a new day.

Also, I am just over 25% through my fundraising goal of $5000 for Young Life Capernaum. I'm running the Rock and Roll half marathon in just less than 4 weeks and I'm asking people to support me in running this race by giving to Capernuam. If you wish to give, go here: http://www.razoo.com/story/Virginia-Beach-Rock-And-Roll-Half-Marathon

I lost another pound this week. Yay. 11 more pounds to go.

8.6.13 Day 313, Lost:1 Total:74, Weight: 116

All in.