This has been a ridiculously crazy week. Fun, but real crazy. I've had work, working out, all kinds of family in town, travels out of town, a wedding, and lots more. Through the craziness I still lost! I lost 1 lb this week so I'm at 120. I've lost 70 lbs on this program and 75 lbs overall. 75 flipping pounds! I have only 15 more pounds to go! Eeek!
Also I'm running a 5K this weekend supporting Young Life Capernaum in the area. If you want to walk or run the 5k, you can sign up or get more info here. It will he the first race that I'll actually be able run the whole thing! Real excited!
6.25.13 Day 277, Lost:1 Total:70, Weight: 120
Also for every 10 pounds I treat myself to one fun thing, not food related. In the past I've done earrings, cd's, movies, etc. This time I treated myself to Friday Night Lights Season 3. I have treated myself to Season 1 and 2 in previous rewards, Real excited for Season 3. Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose!
All in.