So I've had people ask me what I eat while on this new program. First off, let me clarify I'm doing this weight-loss program through a place called Tidewater Bariatrics (for more information click here!) When you start the program, they help you choose from one of their different programs. I chose to go with the Decision-Free plan. On the Decision-Free plan you really don't have to plan a thing. There's no grocery shopping or meal planning. Which is great for me. I like/need the structure. They just said that on the Decision-Free plan, you'll eat two entrees and five shakes a day (normally it's three shakes a day, but I'm lactose-intolerant, therefore I'm special and get to drink five shakes a day. Note the sarcasm). I can always eat more then the 2 entrees and 5 shakes a day, but that's the minimum. They also have oatmeal and soup that you can use as a shake replacement and bars that can't be exchanged for a shake or an entree, but they're good to have around if you need a little extra something. They also have this peanut butter that they've taken the oil out of that you can add to the shake. It's pretty crazy. So each Tuesday when I go into my meetings, I fill out a little form saying which entrees and which shakes I want for the week (shakes only come in chocolate and vanilla), if you want bars, oatmeal, soup, or peanut butter. The bars, oatmeal, soup, and peanut butter are all optional, but the shakes and the entrees are not. So instead of just talking about what I eat, I figured I would should you in pictures as well. For those of you who know me, you know that I like adding pictures to tell a story....

So this is my shelf in the pantry. The blue boxes on the left are my entrees, the brown box in the middle holds the bars, the boxes on the right have shakes and oatmeal. So when it's time to eat, I come here and just pick out whatever I like - as long as I get in at least five shakes (or oatmeals) and two entrees a day.
I usually start off with oatmeal. It's a smidge bland on it's own, but not bad for diet food. You can eat this in replace of drinking a shake.
Then a little bit later I have a shake, It could be chocolate or vanilla, which ever I prefer. I can also add flavoring like syrups or spices to it as long as it's 0 calories or the oil free peanut butter.
This is one example of an entree that I can choose from. The five-bean casserole is one of the better ones in my opinion. Especially if you add Garlic Powder and Frank's Red Hot - both are 0 calorie. This would be a lunch or dinner option.
A couple hours after lunch, I usually do a double shake. In this picture I'm doing 2 chocolate shake packets with water and ice, some peanut butter and 0 calorie Raspberry syrup. It's one of the better shakes.
The above two pictures are of the canister of peanut butter you get from Tidewater Bariatrics. They've removed the oil to make it a bit healthier. Now do you know why I call it astronaut food. You add it to the shakes.
This is the above double shake after it was blended.
Dinner - another entree. One of the better ones, after you add the Garlic Powder.
A bar, obviously. I kinda like them as a dessert.
And after dinner, a final shake.
And that makes five shakes (well four shakes and an oatmeal) and two entrees. Every day - five shakes and two entrees. Yes, I still crave weird things at weird times, but so far this is working for me!
All in.